Screens N Spokes Burlesque of North America
Screens N Spokes Burlesque of North America
4 Color Screenprint - 19x25 - Stamped Edition of 50
Bjorn joined the BRLSQ team in 2006 after years of juggling freelance projects with jobs in the real world, bringing his design, print, and technical experience to the growing production needs in the studio.
Starting out as an intern, Peter is now part of the Burlesque crew, pitching in with anything and everything around the shop from design to shipping. Both are avid urban cyclists; Peter rode this year’s Minnesota MS150 on a fixed-gear bicycle.
100% of the proceeds of all Screens 'N' Spokes sales go towards the National MS Society. Screens 'N' Spokes is an art show celebrating the Bike MS: City to Shore ride in September. In its second year Screens 'N' Spokes is up through September 30 at Mugshots CoffeeHouse and Chapterhouse Cafe & Gallery in Philadelphia, PA.