Preview #3: Jay Ryan, strawberryluna, Greg Pizzoli, Logan Kornhauser

Most of the prints today need no introduction.  Jay Ryan, strawberryluna and Greg have been key contributors to Screens 'N' Spokes since day one.  Logan Kornhauser on the other hand is a newb and we are happy to have him.

1. I still remember when Jay Ryan first said he was intrested in participating.  It was one of the surest signs that the little show we were putting together might actually work.  He helped to put us on the map, and every year since then, he's produced a signature piece.  This year, the print is undeniably Jay's style, but it less kinetic then normal, and more contemplative.  A still life of a gaggle of bikes.


2. strawberryluna, previously just Allison but now Allison and husband Craig, always bring the cute.  In 2007, their "Going to See My Baby" print was a standout, and a swift seller.  Allison has since printed up a number subsequent colorways of that print, always donating a protion of the proceeds to the MS Society.  I'm thinking this print could be following in that one's footsteps.  This past Saturday, it was featured in strawberryluna's sale on curatorial design shop Fab, it sold out quickly there with all proceeds again going to the MS Society.


3. Illustrator and printer Greg Pizzoli has an immediately recognizable style, and this year's print is a perfect compliment to the collaborative print that he and Tim Gough created in 2010.  It has been a joy to see Greg's drawing skills and printing skills develop as the student has become the professor over the past 5 years.


4. Logan Kornhauser is the newcomer in this batch, and he has certainly made an impression with a bold and colorful design.  Under the sea has been a recurring theme in Logan's work, and it's memorable here complete with mermaids and whales.